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Donate Vacation Home or Timeshare

Please help us continue our mission by donating a week of your vacation home or time share. We will work quickly to get a deserving woman away from cancer and onto a beach, a mountain or a lake... somewhere FUN! Please fill out one of the forms below to get started!

How did you hear about us? (required)

Property Information

Property Details (ex. lakehouse, beachfront, etc.):

What is the nightly rate associated with your vacation accommodations?

This helps us to properly track all in-kind donations and will be used for annual reporting, auditing, and bookkeeping purposes only

Are there any specific check-in/check-out procedures for your property? (ex. gate code, separate property office) (required):

Accessibility (ex. first floor bedroom/bathroom, elevators, etc.):


Fun or interesting activities in the area:

Photos attach photos of the property (required)

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Thank you! We will contact you with next steps and to discuss our process as we match a deserving family LIVING with breast cancer to your home.

Please help support our mission of putting FUN on the calendars of these women and their families.
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IRS Does not allow a charitable deduction for the donation of the use of vacation homes:
Per IRS Publication 526, Charitable Contributions, you generally cannot deduct a charitable contribution of the use of your property or the use of your vacation home. This is because the IRS views such a contribution as the contribution of less than your entire property (a contribution of a partial interest). The IRS provides the following example in Publication 526: Mandy White owns a vacation home at the beach that she sometimes rents to others. For a fundraising auction at her church, she donated the right to use the vacation home for 1 week. At the auction, the church received and accepted a bid from Lauren Green equal to the fair rental value of the home for 1 week. Mandy can't claim a deduction because of the partial interest rule. If you have additional questions regarding the tax deductibility of your contributions, please contact your tax advisor.

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